20 years experience as an actor, contralto singer, director, creative educator and trainer. 15 years touring, in Europe, the United States and Canada.
Trainer in Vocal Work – Speech and Singing
Teacher at the Universities of Ottawa and Laurentienne, at Sudbury. Trainer for professional singers and actors, a number of program hosts at TVO, Radio-Canada, Télé-Québec, Université du Québec, business leaders, lawyers and students.
Other clients who have taken my training
Canadian Space Agency, National Defence, Pétro-Miron, National Research Council of Canada, Ministère Emploi-Solidarité, Kronström Desjardins (law firm).
- Specialising in :
Speech Modulation, First Impressions Work
Personal Coaching
Quality of Life and Workplace Performance - Voice and Singing Teacher in the theatre departments Ottawa Universities and Sudbury.
- Voice Trainer for Robert Lepage actors at the National Arts Centre.
- Voice and Singing Coach with professional singers for Radio-Canada.
- Communication Trainer for program hosts at Radio-Canada, TVO, the University of Québec and the Société de la main-d’oeuvre du Québec, business people, lawyers, etc.
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